Non-traditional observations of weather conditions from smartphones, driverless vehicles, and other sensor-based platforms are exploding as technology improves and becomes cheaper. But the traditional infrastructure in place to gather observations can’t keep up with the mass influx of new data. WOW. That’s the Met Office in the United Kingdom’s solution to the problem. Its Weather Observations Website is not only up and running. It’s humming.
Since it was launched in 2011, WOW ( has seen more than 700 million observations submitted by more than 10,000 citizen scientists worldwide. WOW focuses on ingesting data from personal weather stations, Simon Gilbert, head of the Met Office observations partnerships, said in his presentation Monday morning at the 96th AMS Annual Meeting in New Orleans. This huge volume of data includes the entire 200-year climate record from Oxford University.
The success of WOW has encouraged the Bureau of Meteorology in Australia, MetService in New Zealand, and KNMI in the Netherlands to implement their own portals into the website. Collectively, they have reported great success in extending their reach, primarily through “really effective partnerships” connecting the public with the private sector, Gilbert says.
A new version of WOW, the WOW Engine, is currently being developed as a more flexible and adaptable data management platform. Using application software to talk to hardware, it will be possible to quickly and easily ingest new sources of observational data, including complex metadata, which will be managed, stored, and visualized through a variety of channels. The metadata will comply with the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) Metadata principles, allowing users to benefit from the potential for WIGOS to create a ‘”network of networks.”
Gilbert reports the use of WOW, which is supported by the UK Department for Education and the Royal Meteorological Society, is expanding in schools as well. Weather stations are being provided to schools, and teachers and students are being encouraged to submit data.
As traditional threshold-based weather warnings transition toward impact based warnings, the need to gather evidence of impacts will be critical. WOW contains this capability and soon will be available for mining data from social media and other live sources.
Harnessing the power of citizen scientists is potentially a game changer for meteorology as the increasing resolution of NWP models is not matched by a corresponding increase in the density of traditional observing networks. The citizen scientist with an app on their phone, or in their car or home, can provide supplementary observations that will provide useful additional detail to modelers and forecasters.
A key challenge is how to manage the balance between quantity and quality of the observations and to identify the most effective ways to use this kind of data, Gilbert says. He personally doesn’t think such crowdsourcing will replace funded observation networks. But even with WOW’s low-level quality control capability, the shear volume of data can be used to identify trends.
Summer Meeting Leads to Summer Tweeting
A primary focus of this week’s AMS Summer Community meeting in Raleigh, NC, has been communication, particularly about how best to present information on weather, water, and climate threats to the public. So it’s not surprising that the meeting has generated plenty of activity on Twitter. Here are a few of the highlights:
10 yrs ago social science was mentioned once. Now it's mentioned in the first 5 mins of @NWS director's remarks. #progress #AMSsummer #wasis
— Gina Eosco (@WxComm) August 3, 2015
Happening now…Dr. Lackmann keynote stressing collaboration #AMSsummer
— Douglas Hilderbrand (@dcweatherbrand) August 4, 2015
I love when my feed fills up with yummy weather information, models, data, and talks #AMSsummer
— Erin (@ErinKSWX) August 4, 2015
Great innovative idea to use Maya (animation/film studio software) for visualization of weather model forecasts. #AMSsummer
— Minh Phan (@WXMinh) August 4, 2015
Lackmann; "explore possibilities for collaboration with gaming/movie industry/googlemaps/virtual reality to convey forecasts" #AMSSummer
— Kevin Kloesel (@texasembassy) August 4, 2015
YSG: For impact-based decision-support, have to understand how people react to risk – Dr. Uccellini #AMSSummer
— AMS Policy Program (@AMSPolicy) August 4, 2015
This quote from 1993 rings true still #AMSSummer, @NWS using NYC blizzard "miss" to highlight reality vs perception
— Marshall Shepherd (@DrShepherd2013) August 4, 2015
@NWSDirector emphasizing that wx forecasts have no intrinsic value. They only become valuable if used to make good decisions. #AMSsummer
— Kevin Kloesel (@texasembassy) August 4, 2015
agreed! The best functioning of the NWS requires local offices deeply interconnected with local communities. #AMSSummer
— Susan (@CommDocPA) August 4, 2015
Big improvements coming to @NWS models, @NWSDirector just showed timeline, think Euro vs GFS disc will become yesterday's news #AMSsummer
— Marshall Shepherd (@DrShepherd2013) August 4, 2015
If I asked average person on street to describe what I mean by probabilistic forecast, I wonder what "range" of answers would be #AMSSummer
— Marshall Shepherd (@DrShepherd2013) August 4, 2015
The weather community has SO much data. What would happen if we gave it to #dataviz folks to rethink what weather "looks" like? #AMSsummer
— Gina Eosco (@WxComm) August 4, 2015
great discussion by J. Porter of @accuweather on challenges related to forecasting hazards, grid baed products, probability #AMSsummer
— Marshall Shepherd (@DrShepherd2013) August 4, 2015
@TWCBryan making great #AMSSummer point: Decisions are deterministic. Therefore probabilistic info still has to be interpreted in that way.
— Kevin Kloesel (@texasembassy) August 4, 2015
@kimklockow just illustrated that nobody in this room models the behavior that we seek from our constituents #AMSSummer #practicethepreach
— Kevin Kloesel (@texasembassy) August 4, 2015
AMS Summer Community, specialized meeting compared to larger @ametsoc but encourage u to put on future met bucket list #AMSSummer good stuff
— Marshall Shepherd (@DrShepherd2013) August 4, 2015
If we want to maximize public response, then we study weather from the bottom up rather than pushing change on the public #AMSsummer
— Gina Eosco (@WxComm) August 4, 2015
"How to maximize public response to longer warning lead times?" – Reverse the Q. Does the public need longer lead times? #AMSsummer
— Gina Eosco (@WxComm) August 4, 2015
When developing new policies for wx products, need to think about the media channels of the future #AMSSummer
— John Ten Hoeve (@John10Hoeve) August 4, 2015
#AMSSummer Community Meeting just presented a warning exercise. One of the best presentations at any mass conference in my career.
— Brad Huffines (@lukeskywatcher) August 4, 2015
Berchoff: Forecasters have probability biases .. can we train this out? Do we all agree what probability of precipitation means? #AMSsummer
— Gina Eosco (@WxComm) August 4, 2015
95% of new satellite data will be wasted on the floor. -Don Berchoff, discussing other resources that need time and priority. #AMSsummer
— Brad Huffines (@lukeskywatcher) August 4, 2015
More data should require that we have and use data analysis tools to utilize ALL the data. #AMSSummer
— Susan (@CommDocPA) August 4, 2015
What is the future of forecasters and their graphics? Will we see more consistency between graphics in different WFOs? #AMSsummer
— Castle Williams (@WxCastle) August 4, 2015
What will the future US energy system look like? Look to Germany because they are really pursuing renewable energy. #AMSsummer
— Minh Phan (@WXMinh) August 5, 2015
Takeaway from this AM's #AMSsummer panel: There is $$$$$ to be saved and made by improving weather forecasts for renewables, AQ, and more.
— Nate Johnson (@nsj) August 5, 2015
Birkland: Katrina 10 years later – Did we learn anything? We have to assess if we're doing anything differently. #AMSsummer
— Gina Eosco (@WxComm) August 5, 2015
Birkland: There's a difference btwn a "lesson learned" & a "lesson observed". Most often what's called the former is the latter. #AMSsummer
— Nate Johnson (@nsj) August 5, 2015
Birkland: What is the weather community? Forecasters, communicators, and enthusiasts… bloggers, public science, home wx stns. #AMSsummer
— Nate Johnson (@nsj) August 5, 2015
Birkland: Weather community at all levels play a big role. Forecast communication is useful to empower action. #AMSsummer
— Gina Eosco (@WxComm) August 5, 2015
Birkland taking a stab at all the TV branding – "first warning weather" "you're doomed weather". Is this helpful? #AMSsummer
— Nate Johnson (@nsj) August 5, 2015
Birkland: Most ppl get risk/hazard info from multiple sources. #AMSsummer – Yup! They combine lots of info. The days of one source are gone.
— Gina Eosco (@WxComm) August 5, 2015
This is what the future of local multimedia (not just broadcast) meteorology is about. Thanks @ericagrow #AMSsummer
— John Morales (@JohnMoralesNBC6) August 5, 2015
Comment from audience: We mets need to do better job expressing uncertainty when it exists so we don't sound like we're waffling. #AMSsummer
— Nate Johnson (@nsj) August 5, 2015
#amssummer This meeting rocks! Wish I attended event in past years. Great cross-dislipinary, knowledge sharing.
— H. Michael Mogil (@hmmogil) August 5, 2015
Broadcasters Gather in Raleigh to Talk Weather, Warnings, and Communication
The 43rd Conference on Broadcast Meteorology and the Third Conference on Weather Warnings and Communication kicked off on Tuesday in the Raleigh Convention Center, attracting about 230 attendees. This annual meeting of meteorologists, social scientists, and other practitioners produced some exciting content and conference firsts.
Some of the AMS Communications Department staff sat down with presenters to talk about their research and presentations.
More videos with experts can be viewed on the AMS YouTube channel.
For the first time at an AMS conference there was a live stream of a panel discussion. Marking the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, a panel of experts took part in the conversation about the deadly storm and how we can learn from it going forward.
If you missed it live, you can watch the video here. We did experience visual technical difficulties twenty minutes in but the video recovers at minute thirty.
Real-Time User Satellite Data: Partly to Mostly Available
By the AMS Committee on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology
Accurate forecasting and creation of weather products require large amounts of input data. Satellite data and imagery provide a large percentage of that time-critical information, including the basis of timely warnings of tornadoes and hurricanes, solar storm-induced electric currents, and the spread and concentration of volcanic ash clouds.
But the role of satellites in saving lives and preventing havoc from atmospheric events is not limited to originating essential data and imagery. Satellites make possible reliable and continuous transmission of data to the meteorologists who issue warnings, watches, and forecasts. For example, warning and water-management data from remotely located, geographically diverse terrestrial sensors in streams, rivers, lakes, and coastal areas are transmitted via the GOES Data Collection System. Thanks to satellites, these data get to first-responders and disaster managers anywhere in the country via the Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN).
Many government agencies and the private sector have partnered on an NWS initiative called “StormReady®,” which requires multiple methods—including satellite transmissions—to receive NWS and hydrometeorological monitoring of data. Rapid and reliable communications leading to life- and property‐saving responses have never been better.
Unfortunately, the improvements made by the NWS StormReady® initiative may be threatened by recent and future radio‐frequency spectrum auctions prompted by the growing demand to share federal spectrum. Sharing between commercial broadband and sensitive satellite ground stations may be a source of radio frequency interference, which will disrupt weather product dissemination. For the first time, there is a real threat of these warnings not being received by first-responders because of potential interference caused by commercial broadband providers who will now share the same bands as StormReady® participants.
Private sector and federal users receive the imagery and science data from GOES/GOES-R satellites to guarantee data availability with rapid receipt time. If terrestrial infrastructure is degraded, the direct broadcast guarantees continuation of data.
As AMS Fellow Michael Steinburg put it at a recent webinar (see link at the end of this post): “On the one hand . . . we recognize the continued need to evaluate and optimize federal radio spectrum assignments and allocations as consumer electronics, mobile technology, and the Internet of Things experience explosive growth–sector growth that in fact results in significant growth for America’s weather industry, as new devices and platforms arise all over the world. On the other hand . . . this growth cannot put in jeopardy the core delivery methods that are used by governments and America’s weather industry to reliably collect, aggregate, and deliver foundational weather data because what those do is they provide mission-critical, lifesaving weather products. We cannot–as a Weather Enterprise united in our common goals of saving lives and improving the quality of lives for the world’s citizens–allow this to occur.”
The products developed from these satellites lead to the answers for the following questions:
- “How many miles of coastal population should we evacuate ahead of landfall for a tropical storm or hurricane?”
- “When does a severe storm forecast need to alter operations for the energy production or generation industry in a region under imminent threat for severe weather?”
- “How does a mariner obtain the best possible data to enable ocean freight to safely arrive at our ports?”
- “At what point do volcanic ash clouds, severe turbulence, or near-Earth radiation demand changes in the heading, altitude, and direction of a commercial or private aircraft to protect the safety of passengers and crew?”
Based on the results of the recent auction, which generated more than $40 billion in revenue, the temptation of government officials to focus more exclusively on the enormous revenue these auctions can create will be great. We, who provide the American people with reliable and accurate weather forecasting and warnings, along with the state and local disaster managers who rely on this information, must make our voices heard.
We urge you to be vigilant as recommendations are made for radio spectrum auctions, which may be shared between the nation’s weather satellites and commercial use. Your input to the Federal Communications Commission on the importance of meteorological products to industry segments will be necessary in the next few months to communicate the importance this spectrum plays in weather forecasting. Comments to the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology can be directed to [email protected].
Two recent AMS-sponsored events discuss this situation in considerable detail. See and
An Invitation to the AMS Washington Forum
By Shawn Miller, Chair, AMS Board on Enterprise Economic Development
Fellow stakeholders in the weather, water, and climate enterprise, as chair of the AMS Board on Enterprise Economic Development (BEED), I would like to invite you to participate in the 2015 AMS Washington Forum, April 21-23 at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Building, 1200 New York Avenue NW in Washington, D.C.
Organized by the AMS BEED, the purpose of the annual AMS Washington Forum is to provide an opportunity for members of the weather, water, and climate community to meet with senior federal agency officials, congressional staff, and other community members to hear about the status of current programs, learn about new initiatives, discuss issues of interest to our community, identify business opportunities, and speak out about data and other needs.
The 2015 AMS Washington Forum will focus on end users of weather, water, and climate data, returning to the theme of past years’ User Forum events conducted by the AMS. As the enterprise evolves and adapts to changes in budgets and cost-sharing paradigms, heightened attention to the needs of its end users is key to success for all stakeholders. Particular attention must be given to key areas of industry, such as health and the various modes of transportation. The 2015 forum will promote dialogue between the enterprise and its end users toward that end. Several special topics are planned for interactive panel discussions, including an overarching theme session; hospital preparedness in the wake of extreme weather and climate events; weather data needs relating to rail, trucking, and marine transportation; and water resources and related user needs. The forum will also feature speakers on the topics of national/international water rights issues, the intersection between legal and science issues, and commercial weather satellites. Complementary to the session topics on specific user needs, senior leaders from agencies including NOAA, NASA, and other enterprise stakeholders will look ahead and provide updates on current programs and provide insights on new science initiatives and directions. We will also invite leaders from the Office of Management & Budget and the Office of Science & Technology Policy, and from Congress, who will discuss the latest weather-, water- and climate-related programs and legislative initiatives to better serve the American people.
Seating is limited for this exciting event, so preregistration is strongly recommended. Please watch the AMS_PSL list for announcements, or send an e-mail to Gary Rasmussen ([email protected]) to be added to the announcement list. Thank you for your time and attention, and I hope to see you in Washington this April!
23/5 Talks Give #AMS2015 New Angle
At the Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AMS premiered a new series of TED-styled conversations called “23|5 Talks,” which brought together some of the leading voices in the weather, water, and climate community.
The first 23|5 Talk was given by Sheldon Drobot, who works at UCAR on providing up-to-the-minute weather information for drivers. On Monday, Sheldon spoke about the dangers of driving in bad conditions and solutions to these problems.
See the AMS’s YouTube page for other 23|5 Talks with Marshall Shepherd, Kristen Averyt, and David Kenny. Thanks for joining us in Phoenix and drive safely!
Book It! ASLI Announces 2014 Winners
Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI) today celebrated their 10th year of honoring the best books in the fields of meteorology, climatology, and the atmospheric sciences at the ASLI Choice Book Award Ceremony at the Annual Meeting. Each year, ASLI chooses the best books based on nine criteria: uniqueness, comprehensiveness, usefulness, quality, authoritativeness, organization, illustrations/diagrams, competition, and references.
The winner of the main award for 2014 was Oxygen: A Four Billion Year History, by Donald E. Canfield, published by Princeton University Press, which ASLI praised for being “a well-documented, accessible, and interesting history of this vital substance.” There were also awards given in two other categories. The winner of the History award was The History of Global Climate Governance, by Joyeeta Gupta, published by Cambridge University Press, for “bringing together a history and summary that readers are likely to reference often.” The top award in the Popular category went to Storm Surge: Hurricane Sandy, Our Changing Climate, and Extreme Weather of the Past and Future, by Adam Sobel, published by HarperWave, which was recognized by ASLI for “providing its readers with a detailed, clear understanding of the meteorological basis for Hurricane Sandy and the importance of our response to it.”
In the Science category, Honorable Mention awards were given to Dendroclimatic Studies: Tree Growth and Climate Change in Northern Forests, by Rosanne D’Arrigo, Nicole Davi, Gordon Jacoby, Rob Wilson, and Greg Wiles, and published by the American Geophysical Union, for “a clear summary of research from a renowned institution on this important topic”; and Air Quality Management: Canadian Perspectives on a Global Issue, edited by Eric Taylor and Ann McMillan, published by Springer Netherlands, for “bringing together expert views on many aspects of this topic from a Canadian perspective.” Honorable Mention in the History category was given to Tambora: The Eruption that Changed the World, by Gillen D’Arcy Wood, published by Princeton University Press, which ASLI described as “a book that makes this extreme event newly accessible through connecting literature, social history, and science.” And Honorable Mention in the Popular category was awarded to a title from AMS Books: Partly to Mostly Funny: The Ultimate Weather Joke Book, edited by Jon Malay with jokes from Norm Dvoskin, was praised by ASLI for being “a handy compilation of lighthearted humor about the weather and its place in our lives.”
After you’re finished reading the best of 2014, be sure to let ASLI know what you liked in 2015 by sending them nominations for next year’s awards; you can get more information here.
The Buzz Continues at #AMS2015!
For the 2015 AMS Annual Meeting, we’ve brought back The Buzz @ AMS, our “on the street” interviews with attendees. If you haven’t been to an AMS Annual Meeting before, these videos will help give you a perspective of what’s happening in the convention center. And if you’re here with us in Phoenix, maybe you’ll be the next one we talk to.
We hope you’ll check out our YouTube channel for the latest buzz from the meeting.
A Time for Geeks
Four episodes of The Weather Channel program “Weather Geeks” were taped in the Exhibit Hall yesterday, bringing large, enthusiastic crowds that made the Annual Meeting feel more like an ESPN College GameDay event. Some were even inspired to write haikus. Here’s a flavor of the action:
The Doctor is in! 15mins away… #AMS2015
— WXGeeksTWC (@WXGeeksTWC) January 6, 2015
Its not quite College GameDay but handwritten signs made for the broadcast. I dont see any mascot heads either. #AMS2015
— Marcus Smith (@MRSmithSEWX) January 6, 2015
LOOK at the live crowd we have for @WXGeeksTWC! This is awesome. #AMS2015
— Kathryn Prociv (@KathrynProciv) January 6, 2015
Watching @WXGeeksTWC taping at #AMS2015 with @kimklockow and @CommDocPA
— Rick Smith (@ounwcm) January 6, 2015
@weatherchannel @wxgeekstwc haiku: Marshall Shepherd is the man. Giving the weather weenies voice on TV. It is amazing out there. #AMS2015
— Minh Phan (@WXMinh) January 6, 2015
@weatherchannel @WXGeeksTWC Send out the warning. Storms are on the horizon. The geeks are coming… #AMS2015 #WxHaiku
— Matthew Brown (@Rhapsodyinbrown) January 6, 2015
@hollylowry & I are so excited to be at a @WXGeeksTWC filming here at #AMS2015 ! Can't wait to watch in a few weeks!
— Faith Eherts (@WxFaith) January 6, 2015
It's showtime! @WXGeeksTWC @DrShepherd2013 @CommDocPA #AMS2015
— Amberrr (@Ambermometer) January 6, 2015
Geek scale turned up to 11 at the taping of WeatherGeeks. #AMS2015
— Chris Hattings (@wxgeekbeavis) January 6, 2015
.@KathrynProciv and I backstage for @WXGeeksTWC tapings at #AMS2015!!
— Chrissy Warrilow (@AtlantaWxGirl) January 6, 2015
YES…THEY BROUGHT SIGNS RT @davidwkenny: #itsamazingotthere at #AMS2015 on @WXGeeksTWC @weatherchannel
— Sean Breslin (@Sean_Breslin) January 6, 2015
El presidente times two… Weather Geeks is taping now come check it out . #AMS2015 #wxgeeks
— Mike Chesterfield (@mchesterfield26) January 6, 2015
The people who made #AMS2015 @WXGeeksTWC possible and thank all of you for coming out. It's your show
— Marshall Shepherd (@DrShepherd2013) January 7, 2015
Presidential Forum Drops the Puck on #AMS2015
Speakers at the Presidential Forum looked back, looked ahead, quoted Yogi Berra and Wayne Gretzky, and made attendees think about how far meteorology has come…and how far it could go in the future. Here are a few Twitter highlights:
#AMS2015, several thousand #weather and #climate professionals/stakeholders, presidential forum….let's go
— Marshall Shepherd (@DrShepherd2013) January 5, 2015
Inspiring to hear and see @kimklockow and @AstroKDS in the opening session of #AMS2015 as a female meteorology student.
— Kate-Lynn Walsh (@klwalshwx) January 5, 2015
Dr. Sullivan talking about technologies 25 years ago….1990….puts things in perspective as to how far tech has come so far #AMS2015
— Jared Rennie (@jjrennie) January 5, 2015
Dr. Sullivan quotes the great Yogi Berra – "Predictions are hard to make;especially about the future." #AMS2015
— Chris Hattings (@wxgeekbeavis) January 5, 2015
What will meteorology be like in 2040? We have a "living ensemble" of experts here to help predict it! #AMS2015
— Matthew Strauser (@pitpenguins87) January 5, 2015
Kathryn Sullivan NOAA administrator on 2040: personalized weather, rise of drones, biomimicry, sensor networks, science gaps, HPC #AMS2015
— Michael White (@MWClimateSci) January 5, 2015
Dr. Sullivan: We have to keep the human dimensions of technological change in focus. #AMS2015 #NOAA
— Keli Pirtle (@keliwx) January 5, 2015
as weather extremes increase, so will demand for weather information–water, food, energy nexus will be critical societal issue #AMS2015
— explomary (@explomary) January 5, 2015
.@noaa Administrator Kathy Sullivan quotes Gretzky in her thoughts about 2040 – we need to skate to where the puck is going to be #AMS2015
— Kathie Dello (@KathieDello) January 5, 2015
Sullivan: Customization and hyperlocalization are the future. #AMS2015
— Jason Elliott (@jsaysitall) January 5, 2015
Dr. Sullivan – find your learning sweet spot – Be just scared enough of new opportunities and take the risk #ams2015
— Andrea Melvin (@adm_wxed) January 5, 2015
"An absolute passion and fascination for the atmosphere and a drive to keep people safe" – @BernadetteWoods on why mets become mets #AMS2015
— Andrea Thompson (@AndreaTWeather) January 5, 2015
"Even if we bust the forecast, they come right back to us" – @BernadetteWoods on how public looks to mets for wx and climate info #AMS2015
— Andrea Thompson (@AndreaTWeather) January 5, 2015
Great reminder from panelist Curtis Walker. High impact weather events will still be with us, even if we're more tech advanced #AMS2015
— Alek Krautmann (@AlekKrautmann) January 5, 2015
In 2040, question raised: how will we tailor our enterprise to be the most useful to our end-users? Answer: you have to ask them. #AMS2015
— Deanna Hence (@deahence) January 5, 2015
One member of our living ensemble, @BernadetteWoods , predicts a 100% chance that meteorologists will still be needed in 2040. #AMS2015
— Matthew Strauser (@pitpenguins87) January 5, 2015