
The Front Page is edited and written by Chris Cappella, Matt Gillespie, and Rachel Thomas-Medwid, the editors of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS), as well as Katie Pflaumer, AMS Marketing Communications Manager, along with other AMS staff.

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) is the world’s largest scientific society for the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences. The Society, founded in 1919, facilitates the latest advancements in the field through its prestigious journals and meetings, brings together policymakers and scientists to make informed decisions, infuses its members’ expertise into the teaching of science at all levels of education, and much more.

For more than 50 years, AMS has been a regular presence in millions of households through its certification programs for broadcast meteorologists, hundreds of whom are AMS members. The Certified Consulting Meteorologist program also has a 50-year history of ensuring the highest quality forensic, forecasting, analysis, and other services from professional meteorologists in government, academia, and business. AMS also certifies K-12 educators who teach atmospheric sciences.

Through peer-reviewed articles on science, technology, and services, along with news, essays, reviews, and society updates, BAMS is a monthly meeting ground of ideas from diverse scientific and professional specialties. As a printed microcosm of the AMS, the membership magazine has been a vital tool for advancing both science and society for 90 years.

The Front Page,
as an extension of the magazine and AMS, serves the same mission online and on a near-daily basis, improving communication amongst members and interested readers everywhere—to help disseminate science, of course, but also to help scientists, teachers, and other professionals consider and refine their already significant contribution to the world.

Unlike BAMS, however, The Front Page is not a peer-reviewed publication—it relays news about research and relates science to current events and trends, but it is not a primary source for science. Comments introducing or debating scientific findings should be directed to the appropriate journals and meetings.

There are many opportunities for guest contributors to The Front Page. Please contact the editors to propose guest postings.

All postings present the opinions of the authors only; they are in no way meant to represent policy, statements, or other official views of the American Meteorological Society, the Editorial Board of BAMS, or of the AMS membership.